Now did it taste good after I cut off all the nasty looking parts.
Well yes it did, and we ate it, but I certainly could not gift this or serve it at a dinner or luncheon.
I feel like I wasted precious eggs and butter only to try and use up Cranberries and that is just stupid. So, I think Anne in the Kitchen is right, I create work! I need to be better about this.
I also spent several days mulling in my mind how I was going to take care of the venting (or lack of it in my kitchen). By the time I got my twisted brain around this conundrum, I had spent over twelve thousand dollars to alleviate the problem. No, I did not really, and this was totally preventable had I put a large pan on the lower rack. So, I have talked myself off a ledge and save a whole lot of money!
As you can see, a little greasy? But the orange flavor with the Cranberries was wonderful. I will definitely try again, but not anytime soon. I will also try and use my small bread pans as I have had some success with these. I will keep you posted.
Sissy is a much better baker than I. Now ask me to make a chocolate mousse, a baklava, a tiramisu, I am your gal, but to bake not so much.
I finished the month of February in the black and was able to fund all of my various accounts, but still way overspent on eating or going out. I way underspent on groceries which was good. So, I am giving myself a B for the month.
We have made great progress eating down the freezers but still have a very long way to go. I think another couple of months.
I did go yesterday and got groceries for the next two weeks at least and spent 90.00 but our aunt is coming, and I had to get some special things for her.
Auntie will be here tomorrow at noon, and I got her checked in and her luggage and wheelchair arrangements done this morning.
My Husband has been horribly ill with a bad cold and the cough is horrendous and he has been a bear to live with. Hopefully he will be on the mend soon.
I now need to get up to Sissies and get some things done. I still have at least two more hours of knitting before I can call my scarf finished, but I will get it done.
Now as Sissy says...I am off like a prom dress.