
Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Still working on taxes!!!

Bud asking me if I am still working on taxes and the answer is yes.

I did manage to get my Federal done and e-filed, but with two states to comply with I am a little confused.  So, I stopped when I got frustrated and will go back in this morning.  I will keep you posted.

I look at it like this, I am honest and if I make a mistake then I will apologize and correct it.  

They are not going to take my Birthday away!
 Okay, I am done for now.  Idaho is e-filed.  I paid them the $10.00 we owe them via direct debit and still do not understand why we owe but whatever.

We are getting money's back for the first time from both Maryland and the Feds! Wow!

I cannot e-file for Maryland because of the multi-State situation so I have everything filled out to snail mail.

It snowed about 4" last night and the streets are very icy.  They do not plow or sand here, so you are at mercy of the sun, and since it will not get above freezing for the next week of so I doubt if much melting will happen.

We own a Ford Taurus Sedan with front wheel drive and we have all season radials, but I do not trust roads that have not been sanded.  We may be stuck at Home for a while.

Sissy has the Kids for the rest of the week as Schools up in Washington are closed where they live, and they got a foot of snow.

She is not feeling Her best, but this is the way it is.  The Parents have to work.

Called Sissy and she said it is beautiful up in the Elks and the Kids were out sledding.

Husb is out shoveling walks, and I made tuna fish for lunch which he will like. Now I must figure out what to make for dinner and I think it will be meatloaf and mashed potatoes, some sort of veg.

I am eating a Date and Oatmeal cookie that Sissy made, and it is so good.  That girl can bake!  WE were given four 4-pound bags of frozen dates and did not really know what to do with them, so she just made this up and I tell you it is a keeper.  They are addictive.  Of course, we did not tell the Grands they were dates as they would not have eaten them.

Now I have to go and find something to do as my morning chores are done.  If we get a little melting as we do have full sun, I may brave the roads and get to the post office.

Have a great and productive day!



What happened to Saturday?

 Yep, this is me!  I have a cold and it is worse at night and early in the morning and then I rally by taking some OTC meds. Yesterday was c...