Sunday, January 26, 2025

Sunday morning...1/26/25

 Out my Windows Sissy here! Yes, I decided to start my own blog so I can keep up with Kim?  

Wait, can anyone keep up with Kim?

Sluggy, don't answer that!

This is a picture of a t-shirt that a very good Friend gave to me who knows Sissy well!

She has seen us both in action.  I can't wait to wear it, but it is just too cold at present.

It does explain me very well and I don't mean to be Bossy, I just know what you should be doing!

It is hard for me to believe that we have now been in Idaho eight months!  Where does time go?

I absolutely love it here as I get to harass my Sissy on a daily basis. It has been too long a separation, having lived in the DC area for thirty-six years.

Yes, I am jaded! 

This is supposed to be a Thrifty blog, and I will try and make it so.

Kim and I are both thrifty, but in very different ways.  I was not so in the past, but then I earned a great deal of money over the years. and trust me, the Hubs and I enjoyed it!  It also enabled us to help our Nieces and Nephews who are all doing well as adults!  Well, most of them.

The move was very, very expensive and we have decided that 2025 is going to be a year of serious belt tightening and so far, we are plugging along.

My goal is to save at least $2000.00 per month and put another $800.00 into three sinking funds for Taxes (house is paid for), Christmas, and to pay cash for a new Car when we need it.

This is doable on our retirement budget, or I may be playing with the Fairies and totally fail! I will keep you all informed.

I was up at 4:30 this morning and it is now going on 8:00 am. I need to put a call into Sissy (Kim) and have her help me finish setting up this blog as I do not know what I am doing?

I am then going to make a double batch of chocolate chip, toasted walnut cookies (always, always toast your nuts and I am not talking about your Husband, although He may already be toasted!).

Sissy is coming up after Church to help me with this.  Hope it works. Tune in tomorrow.


It's time...

 This is a test, simply a test, as I do not know what I am doing.

Bricks? I mean really?

Sissy is twisted!  Yep, this is what I did yesterday morning with Sissy in 27degree weather! We went and salvaged bricks and it about killed...