
Thursday, March 27, 2025

Where have I been?

 Well, I have not been to London to visit the Queen!

Just super busy entertaining and cooking and cleaning and just being on!  Which it is the being on that is hard on me.  But I survived.

Sissy surprised me by filling the two pots on my front porch with Primroses and they are so beautiful, like eye candy!  Thanks Sissy.

WE got so much accomplished for Auntie while her daughter was here, which was the plan of attack.

We got all of her legal paperwork done, will, POA, etc. and all is notarized.  We also took her to an audiologist and ordered hearing aids and they are going to be expensive, but Sissy and I are going to take care of it and our cousin agreed to chip in, but we shall see.

Aunties Family dynamics are let's just say volatile, and we promised our father that we would look after her, and a promise is a promise.

Autie is 90 years old, and she had really started to slip the past year, and she is profoundly deaf so she cannot participate in any conversation and this cuts her off.  She lives on a very and I mean very limited income so hearing aides were completely out of her realm.

Now no hearing aid will bring back what she has lost but they will help, and this is why we spent the money to take her to an audiologist, not Costco or some hearing aid store.  A real Doctor who could tell us if they would help.  The exam was very thorough and comprehensive, and the Dr. put my Auntie at ease.

But all of these things took time.  It took me hours to read her, the will and POA and help her to understand it.  Many times, I had to resort to writing things down and giving it to her in laymen's terms.

The funniest episode in the whole scenario is what does DNR stand for?  Auntie said the Department of Natural Resources!  We all died laughing and I then when on to explain that no and when she was gone there was no coming back! She readily agreed!

Our (Sissy and mine) birthday came and went in a blur and I received something (to me) very special.

I love flour sack dish towels and use them till they fall apart.  These are red and will look great in my tiny retro kitchen.

The weather has finally turned warmer and I so wanted to be in my yard but no I was cooking and cleaning.  Sissy did cook a couple of nights, thank goodness.

Her poor Dog has been so sick, and she has been worried sick, and this does not help when there is too much company.

My dear husband also wracked his knee working in Sissy's yard last week and is still gimping around but on the mend.

I have managed in bursts to start pulling the stones in the front boulevard and stacking them and will finish this project today.

We park on the street at present and we cannot open our car doors on the passenger side due to the high landscaping, so that is going first.

Stacking stones to be used elsewhere and when we are finished which may take all summer, I will put out a word on Facebook Marketplace and someone will snatch them up!  

(So, Sam squared remember this.  You can get a lot of landscaping material for free or next to nothing as long as you are willing to haul it!)

These stones are very heavy for me, and I must carry them up a set of stairs and place them.  Of course, they will not stay where I have placed them but will eventually be hauled to the backyard.  I look at this like...How do you eat and Elephant?  One bite at a time!

I am taking today off just for me, staying home and getting things done.  My house needs love.  It is 8:38 and I was up at five and have managed to get the last load of wash done (did some last night) and two beds changed.  I also cleaned my fridge and need to go to the grocery store for a few things.
I have a ton of ironing and want to clean my two freezers before I head to the store.

The one blessing of having so much Company is both Sissy and my Freezers have gone down significantly and although we cooked almost every meal, having things prepared ahead to reheat was such a help!

Now I need to get it together and get said chores done.  Will try and tune in tomorrow!



  1. What is this day to yourself crap? Get up here I have work for you to do.

  2. Sounds like a lot of hard work to me. You are both so kind to your Aunt. The flowers are pretty.

  3. Haha, thanks for the mention. I put an ISO bricks for edging on my Buy Nothing group page. Just 12 days until I call the shots on my days and will get to work on my outside spaces. You and your sister are the dynamic duo. Your aunt is fortunate to have caring family that want to make every day as positive as possible for her.


Whew, March was a spendy month!

 Just went over my budget for the month and I knew it was going to be bad, and it is but... Company is expensive and we take care of Auntie ...