
Thursday, March 20, 2025

Running with Scissors!

 Oh my, I have so much to do today, and it is going to be a very busy weekend again.

I did manage to get Aunties other med filled yesterday so that is a blessing.

I am trying to put finishing touches on my guest bedroom and everything I order is really the wrong color.  No shopping here to speak of and Amazon hates me right now.  But I want what I want.

My list for today just gets longer and longer and I need to get going as in now!

Sissy and Husb worked in the yard yesterday and the long path is done.  Husb wracked his bad knee again and is in a brace and gimping around.  Damn!

I entertained Auntie and it is hard as She is profoundly deaf! Working on hearing aids and appointment with Audiologist Monday morning!

I was exhausted last night, and Sissy cooked dinner and it was wonderful.  Vicken breast fried with panko, mashed potatoes and corn, chicken gravy!  Yum!

 I did all the dishes and trust me; this is no easy task as Sissy is a messy cook and does not clean as she goes.  I am also a messy cook but have learned to clean as I go.  Oh well, it is just the way she is wired, and I love it when someone else cooks for me!

We planned the weekend as far as we could and made grocery lists for things we need.

List for today

  • Finish setting up Guest bedroom as much as I can nope finishing tomorrow morning
  • (Sissy did come down briefly and told me I was being way to particular and so I am rolling with what I have)
  • Iron sheets and bed ruffle  Still have 20 pieces a regular ironing that will get done ...whenever?
  • Make sugar free Jello for dessert
  • Pull pork chops and filet mignons from freezer
  • Get potatoes and green beans from downstairs pantry
  • Clean downstairs bathroom nope tomorrow morning
  • Make list for three grocery stores and get to them
  • Iron all napkins
  • Get flowers. avocados, baguettes, bananas and buffalo mozzarella at Costco This is grocery store # 1
  • make up vase of fresh flowers
  • Go to TJ Maxx and buy two new pillows for guest bedroom Too expensive and not what I wanted a wasted trip Sissy gave me two old pillows just for decorative shams!  Go Me!
  • Pay Amex bill (this will be scary) It was but it is done!
  • Dress and get ready for my day...still dragging
  • Make fried pork steaks with potato pancakes for dinner, beats and French style green beans with butter and almonds (Sissy and Auntie coming for dinner)
  • Set table and prep for dinner 
It is now 4:02 in the afternoon and I have done all of this and still have to make dinner after lugging in $200.00 worth of groceries for the next four days of entertaining.  Putting them away took a good 30 minutes!

Now Husb took pity on me and is making dinner.  He makes the best potato pancakes, and I will be the sous- chef and clean up!

I am now going to pour myself a glass of wine and wait for Sissy and Auntie to get here and read a bit.  Of course, I will be on call for the Husb if he needs me.

Pray for us as it is going to be a rollicking weekend.  Will fill you in when the cousin leaves.


1 comment:

  1. That does sound like a busy day. I hope things calm down a bit and you enjoy the weekend.


Running with Scissors!

 Oh my, I have so much to do today, and it is going to be a very busy weekend again. I did manage to get Aunties other med filled yesterday ...