Oh my, I have so much to do today, and it is going to be a very busy weekend again.
I did manage to get Aunties other med filled yesterday so that is a blessing.
I am trying to put finishing touches on my guest bedroom and everything I order is really the wrong color. No shopping here to speak of and Amazon hates me right now. But I want what I want.
My list for today just gets longer and longer and I need to get going as in now!
Sissy and Husb worked in the yard yesterday and the long path is done. Husb wracked his bad knee again and is in a brace and gimping around. Damn!
I entertained Auntie and it is hard as She is profoundly deaf! Working on hearing aids and appointment with Audiologist Monday morning!
I was exhausted last night, and Sissy cooked dinner and it was wonderful. Vicken breast fried with panko, mashed potatoes and corn, chicken gravy! Yum!
I did all the dishes and trust me; this is no easy task as Sissy is a messy cook and does not clean as she goes. I am also a messy cook but have learned to clean as I go. Oh well, it is just the way she is wired, and I love it when someone else cooks for me!
We planned the weekend as far as we could and made grocery lists for things we need.
List for today
- Finish setting up Guest bedroom as much as I can nope finishing tomorrow morning
- (Sissy did come down briefly and told me I was being way to particular and so I am rolling with what I have)
Iron sheets and bed ruffleStill have 20 pieces a regular ironing that will get done ...whenever?Make sugar free Jello for dessertPull pork chops and filet mignons from freezerGet potatoes and green beans from downstairs pantry- Clean downstairs bathroom nope tomorrow morning
Make list for three grocery stores and get to themIron all napkinsGet flowers. avocados, baguettes, bananas and buffalo mozzarella at Costco This is grocery store # 1make up vase of fresh flowersGo to TJ Maxx and buy two new pillows for guest bedroom Too expensive and not what I wanted a wasted tripSissy gave me two old pillows just for decorative shams! Go Me!Pay Amex bill (this will be scary)It was but it is done!Dress and get ready for my day...still dragging- Make fried pork steaks with potato pancakes for dinner, beats and French style green beans with butter and almonds (Sissy and Auntie coming for dinner)
Set table and prep for dinner
That does sound like a busy day. I hope things calm down a bit and you enjoy the weekend.