
Thursday, March 13, 2025

We have bitten off more than we can chew!

Someone, anyone, find my mind!  This is how both Sissy and I feel like right now.

WE have overbooked, triple booked and are just plain stupid. But we shall persevere, and it will take a lot of planning which will be done today.  I will make it happen, and one of us (Sissy or I may fall in the process)!

So, today we will, or I will plan.  It is windy and cold and I hate it as I have errands to run and must take Auntie to get drugs refilled.  I need to get up to Sissy's and get the corned beef out of the freezer and then see what is in there to come up with for meals for the masses.  I am so hoping the large Lasagna Sissy made is still in the freezer.

I did make it to Costco yesterday and took product up to Sissy's with the plan to pick up my Auntie and take her to get her meds filled when Sissy dropped the bomb that blew me out of the water.

I cannot go into detail as too many people read her blog, but let's just say, Sissy made a promise to someone we care about very much and the promise was made a long time ago and Sissy forgot about it, ( how unusual) and it will take a great deal of work on a weekend when we are booked solid with Company.  

I think when Sis told me the bottom dropped out and I shut down.  I am just really tired.  So, I did not take Auntie to get her meds, Sissy is stressed about not being able to get the chicks, blah. blah. blah!

I did not get to Alta for my makeup (I am very vain) I did however get fried rice and egg drop soup made (no egg foo young). Score one for the team.

Tonight, I am taking Auntie and Sissy's Neighbor to dinner for the neighbors 70th birthday.  Now why did I agree to do that?  Because She has no one and is very lonely and 70 is a milestone and I wanted to do something kind.  I should just have gotten her flowers! I do not need another social obligation right now!

I do not drive after dark, and it will be dark on the way home so my Husband will have to come with us, and He does not really want to...blah, blah, blah! Men!

Also, Sissy cannot come as she has an obligation to her Grandchildren she forgot about (how unusual) so it is up to me to keep the promise.

I am just whining and Sissy put it into perspective for me.  I have not had enough alone time, and I need it.  Both Husb and I are seriously quiet people for most of the day and always have been, except for about two hours of up time.  We have been up and on for 16 hours a day for months or so it seems.

Complain, complain, complain.  It is 8:10 and I must get dressed and do my morning chores and get up to Sissy's and get stuff done.

I will fill you in tomorrow if our day was successful and I so hope Sissy got chicks this morning.  It is so hard when you make a promise to small children and then you cannot fulfill it.  Say prayers for us!

When I get stressed like this, I just keep reminding myself. that I have food to eat, a roof over my head. friends and family that love me and this puts me ahead of the game, promises or no promises. None of this is a third world problem!





  1. I do understand being stressed from overcommitments. I suggest you breathe and have a glass of wine. You are lovely makeup or no makeup!

  2. That sounds like a lot of stress. I have never heard you speak like this. Hang on. Slow down when you can.

  3. We need as humans to stop creating our own stress. But, aren't we all guilty of it? ( Says the person who's sticking around five weeks longer at my job, and getting no real appreciation or support).You've got two heads and four hands between you, and the best collaborators. I'm sure you'll conquer.


We have bitten off more than we can chew!

Someone, anyone, find my mind!  This is how both Sissy and I feel like right now. WE have overbooked, triple booked and are just plain stupi...